Sunday, 23 June 2024

National Cycling Show NEC Birmingham 2024

My first time at the National Cycling show. I was really looking forward to the event as well. I have very much got into cycling in the last few years. The National Cycling Show is an for cycling lovers regardless of how fast or how far they go.We were hoping to be their for the start of the guest speakers at 9:45. We just about made it although the traffic was very busy as we approached the NEC in Birmingham. Several events on today including The Gardeners World Live show. 

First Guest Speaker was the incredible Mark Beaumont. Mark is a long distance cyclist who holds the world record for cycling around the world. Completing his 18,000-mile (29,000 km) route in less than 79 days! Setting out at 3:30 each morning and completing 240 miles rain or shine. Amongst many other amazing achievements he has also cycled the Americas. From Anchorage in Alaska to the tip of Southern Argentina. The importance of dedication, resilience and discipline came across very strongly. 

With Mark Beaumont
Another Speaker we very much wanted to see was Olympian Jo Rowsell.
Jo won Gold Medals in the Women's Pursuit Team at the London Olympic Game in 2012 and Rio in 2016. As well as five World Championship titles, four in the Team Pursuit and one in the Individual pursuit. 
She spoke about not being a natural cyclist while she was at school. How it was one of those 'Sliding Doors' moments that she fell into the cycling world. At school she was more at home in the pool or running. One particular day she had a choice of 'double maths' or a trial for the Cycling Team. She modestly said that she wasn't even the best at the school. But the National selection team saw something in her that they could work with. The rest is history as they say.
It was great to meet up with them both afterwards. Hopefully I have picked up a few tips too?

There really was was something for everyone. Stunt Riders,workshops, and anything else even remotely connected to cycling. A really enjoyable day out , and one that will be a regular date on my calendar.

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