Thursday, 31 July 2014

Lakenheath Fen

 Been a while since I caught up with my Old Mate Eddie Mallet over in Suffolk. He has been telling me that the Kingfishers are making regular appearances around the reed beds at RSPB Lakenheath. Not to mention regular sitings of Bitterns, Marsh Harriers, Bearded Tits and Sedge Warblers. During the Summer the reserve is awash with over 100 species of fenland plants. These provide a home for all sorts of insects and colourful Butterflies and Dragonflies
It's hard to believe that twelve years ago, the land that is now Lakenheath Fen nature reserve was a carrot field with little to offer in the way of wildlife interest. There is a flexible nature trail network, four viewpoints and a visitor centre. It was at the Mere hide that we knew there was a good chance of seeing the Kingfishers. We didn't have to wait long before there was a sudden flash of orange and blue taking up it's perch searching for a fish.

 The highlight had to be seeing the Kingfisher dive into the water and come up with a fish. It all happened in a split second and the fish never stood a chance.

 Not to be outdone a Common Tern had also been circling with his eye on a fish and quickly made his presence felt swooping to take another fish.

Nothing better than strolling around the reserve on a beautiful Summers day taking in the peace and quiet and enjoying the scenery.


Moving on from Lakenheath we called in at Weeting Heath probably the best site in the country to watch the rare and unusual stone curlew. The species requires open, stony ground with short vegetation to breed, making the close-cropped turf of Weeting an ideal site.


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