Friday, 30 September 2011

Within Temptation Fans Day - 013 Tilburg

Set List from Fans Day
  • Shot in the dark
  • In the middle of the night
  • Faster
  • Fire & Ice
  • Sinead
  • Jillian
  • Murder
  • Forgiven
  • Truth beneath the rose

Ruud Jolie

Highlight of the day was without a doubt the mini set that was performed just for the fans. We were treated to a sneak preview of some of the new songs and a couple of old favourites that wouldn't be in the full set.

Sharon in thoughtful mood......

The day started off with a question and answer session with the band which was all very lighthearted.

Great to be back in Holland again for the WT fans day which this time has moved to Tilburg. Tilburg is located in the southern province of Noord-Brabant and is know as the wool capital of The Netherlands. Definitely a lively place and I struggled to get much sleep on the Saturday with the constant noise from the square until 6 AM.


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