Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Pride of Northampton

On the Market Square

Becketts Park

This one is rather tenuously called 'Alion Carr'and is based on one of Northamptons famous sons - The Comedian Alan Carr who was born in Northampton.

Outside All Saints Church

This fine fellow was standing guard outside the Town Hall

Popped into Northampton Town Centre one lunchtime last week on the works courtesy bus. Or the 'Magical Mystery Tour' as I like to call it. The bus is an experience in itself as you are never quite sure if it will turn up. It is always a relief to arrive safely and without any road rage incidents or driver getting lost!

On arrival in the Centre I was greeted with a strange sight ? Lots of different multi coloured 5ft lions mounted on plinths. All very bizarre even by Northampton standards.

Apparently the Pride of Northampton will be a ten-week public art exhibition organised by Northampton Borough Council working with specialist art events and education company Wild In Art.
Each lion sculpture is sponsored by a business, individual or community group and local artists have decorated the lions and bring them to life. At the end of the summer the sculptures will be auctioned to raise money for charity.

I can't help thinking that there are going to be some 'interesting' sights particularly on a Saturday night when the pubs anc clubs are emptying??

Whatever happens i'm sure it will be a 'Roaring Success'and the 'Mane Attraction' groan.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,

    I really love the artwork done on those Lions. What's the Magical Mystery Tour like? I hope you could put some input on this. Looks very interesting out there in Northampton.


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