Sunday, 21 February 2010

Bigelf & Priestess Oxford 20/2/10

Kyle & David


Damon Fox and me

Damon Fox

The Great man in Trademark Top Hat

Bigelf are in my humble opinion unique. They have been defined as a progressive rock/progressive metal band. Throw in some Psychadelic Glam Rock and you will soon start to build up a picture. They were formed in Los Angeles, CA in 1991 by larger than life front man Damon Fox.
The trip to Oxford got off to an interesting start. After leaving my wifes car in the Park and ride we went straight to the New Theatre to see if there was any sign of the band. Strangely enough 'The Rat Pack' was being billed for the night. When I checked the tickets I realised the gig was at the Academy on the Cowley Road. I suggested a 'time out' to Mrs A while we re-thought plans over a Pint or two of Hobgolin Ale
Depending who you asked the 'Academy' was anything between a stroll down the High Street and Over the Bridge to 'Don't even think about walking without a Team of horses and supplies??? All very odd, undeterred we set off having purchase a street map of Oxford. It was a doddle , I walk further in my lunch 'hour'at work.

Approaching the venue we had the shock of our lives. There was a good hour before the doors even opened and already the queue was snaking around the block !!!!
That was when I realised something odd was happening. The average age of those queuing could have been no more than fifteen. The vast majority being hyperactive girls who had raided their mothers make up bags by the look of it?

Apparently they were waiting to see someone or something called 'Chipmunk' who was doing his thing downstairs. This was no cute furry rodent however and is in fact a 'Grime Artist' from Tottenham. No I don't have a clue what one is either but it was driving our teenage friends into a frenzy whatever it was ?

When we did get to Doors for Bigelf there were two guys already there David & Kyle. They had been there since 3PM and surving on a diet of donuts and fizzy drinks - This was going to be in an interesting night for all concerned.Couldn't help but think they could have waited a few hours and still been at the font of the queue. Anyway they were good lads and we all had a good laugh and the time went really quick.

Enough of all this pre-amble - Priestess from Montreal kicked off and played a solid hard rocking set which I enjoyed.

Then it Bigelf , no big intro just straight down to Business and what a performance it was. It was some sort of irony that here were four unbelievably talented musicians playing to an audience of about a hundred and fifty or so. While downstairs in the bigger arena it was packed to the rafters with an audience who wouldn't recognise a decent riff if it bit them on the arse.
It matters not because the Elves were amazing !! Damon Fox reminds me of some sort of crazed love child between Russell Brand and Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) in his 1970's peak.
Most memorable for me and my wife was the fitting tribute to Andy Butler-Jones God Bless him. We both really loved the gig and can't wait to see Bigelf again.
My night was complete when I met Damon afterwards and had a photo with him. A lovely guy and a pleasure to meet.

As far as I can remember the set list was as follows:

  • The Evils of Rock @ Roll
  • Neuropsychpathic Eye
  • Painkillers
  • Frustration
  • Disappear
  • Madhatter
  • Blackball
  • Hydra
  • Money It's Pure Evil
  • Money Machine
  • Superstar
  • Counting Sheep

1 comment:

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