Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Delain & Trillium - Birmingham HMV Institute

Amanda Somerville - Trillium
Back at the HMV Institute again, but this time in the more intimate setting of 'The Library'. This soon became apparent whilst joining the queue outside which was wearing a distinct lack of black? My suspicions were re-enforced when we were joined by a foreign sounding lady of 'a certain age' carrying her shopping bag... It was time to ask some questions! Sure enough we were in the wrong queue! An evening of traditional Polish music was not what we were there for as, wonderful as it was i'm sure.
First band on were Halcyon Way from Atlanta US whose many influences include; Dio, Megadeth and Dream Theater. So a real mixture of Metal / Progressive / Rock was anticipated. They certainly delivered a poeerful set and went down well with frontman and 'Axel Rose' lookalike 'Steve Braun' commanding the stage. Enjoyed their set and purchased the 'Building the Towers' CD for a bargain £5 which I got fully signed.
I had really been looking forward to seeing Trillium and Amanda Somerville in particular as I have spoken to her previously on FB. Amanda has guested with Kamelot, Avantasia and Epica in the past and has a varied vocal range from soft and elegant pop rock with some hard rock, folk and soul music influences. Much of the set list came from 2011's 'Alloy'. Must admit I hadn't heard the album beforehand (did pick up a signed copy however).Largely based on the live performance which was a revelation. I have to say that Amanda was captivating and should be a big star in truth and commands your attention for every second of Trillium’s set – she’s a proper, honest to goodness rock star.
Trilium Set List
  • Machine Gun
  • Mistaken
  • Purge
  • Utter Descension
  • Bow to the Ego
  • Path of least Resistance
  • Coward

I'm still finding it hard to understand why Delain are not playing bigger venues? But on the plus side it does make for a more intimate setting and a better atmosphere at places like The Library. This Tour is promoting the third Delain album 'We are the Others' which due to record company issues the release date is now put back to early June.
There was a great mix of songs from the first two albums mixed with the new stuff including my favourites; Stay Forever, Invidia and The Gathering which provided a bouncing encore and finale. In total there were nineteen songs played and each one was met with the same buoyant vibrancy. Guitarist Bas Maas
Once again Delain were sporting a new guitarist in the form of German Bas Maas who usually plays with Doro. Usual axeman Timo Somers is staying at home for this tour to concentrate on a solo album he is putting together but will be back!
Charlotte Wessels
I loved Delain, let’s be honest – like Trillium, they’re a band who gain so much from the live experience. You simply can't help but enjoy yourself with melodies, metal and smiling faces they never disapoint.
Delain Set List
  • Mother Machine
  • We are the Others
  • Go Away
  • Sever
  • Virtue & Vice
  • Generation Me
  • Invidia 
  • April Rain
  • See me in Shadow
  • Are you done with me
  • Get the Devil out of me
  • Shattered 
  • Babylon 
  • Sleepwalkers Dream
  • Electricity
  • Not enough
  • Control the Storm
  • The Gathering

1 comment:

  1. Some great pictures there Peter!
    Sounds like you got a better deal regarding Trillium than we did, at Manchester the keyboard player had a technical problem towards the end of the set (or to be more accurate, his laptop packed up!) He told the rest of the band to carry on without him until he sorted it out, so for two songs there were no keyboards.
    Agree re Delain, but I would say that (!)


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