Thursday, 23 May 2024

Castleton & 'Mam Tor' Peak District Walk

It's a beautiful day to be in the Peak District. Beautiful blue skies and sunshine. It's a walk I was hoping to do a few weeks ago with the Moulton Men's Group. Unfortunately I had to pull out due to the Knee op and the Kidney Stone issue. The knee was still in recovery mode and the Kidney stent had been unceremoniously 'ripped out' the day before. So today is something of a recovery mission. A bit of a test if you like, just to see how things pan out. Just the two of us today , well three really as I mustn't forget 'Archie' the dog. He's 14 now and shows no signs of slowing down. Just a bit deaf but otherwise 'as fit as a Butcher's Dog'. Not that 'Biff,' his owner is a Butcher, he's a Surveyor of some kind. We are just one of many cars and Camper vans parked up on the road to Castleton. We could have parked in the shadow of 'Mam Tor' but opted for a stretch on the 'flat' before starting the ascent 'cold', so to speak.Over the hill in front of us there are around 9 Para-gliders circling the thermals on the hill in front of us. The sharp eyed of you might just spot them on the photo above perhaps?    

'Mam Tor'

Mam Tor, meaning ‘Mother Hill’, is a 517 metre high hill near Castleton in the High Peak area of Derbyshire. It is one of the most famous walks in the Peak District, this is confirmed by the vast amount of people heading up it!  Mam Tor is also referred to as the ‘Shivering Mountain’ because of its propensity for landslips caused by unstable lower levels of shale. You get a good view of the road that is now completely closed off due to a land slip. In 1979 the A625(Sheffield to Chapel En Le Frith)was finally closed off. 

Losehill Pike in the distance

The Geology of the area makes it a haven for Walkers, Climbers and Cavers. Nearby are Treak Cliff Cavern, Blue John Cavern, Speedwell Cavern and Peak Cavern. Just about the only places to find the famous 'Blue John' Gemstone. A semi precious mineral and form of fluorite. I would actually call it 'Purple' but they seem to prefer to go with 'Blue'. 

Yay! We finally make it to the top of 'Mam Tor,' and of course I have to have the obligatory photo sprawled over the Toposcope. If I looked pretty knackered in the photo, It's because I am!  It has been a tough Old climb, especially for someone who has recently been told his kneecaps have worn out.  In my head I've got the Tom Petty song 'Learning to Fly' going round and round. Particularly the line that goes 'Coming down is the hardest thing'. Despite the struggle, and all the people it has been awesome. At times it has felt almost like a pilgrimage. Something quite ethereal about the whole experience. As you might expect the views are pretty special too. Looking North you can see the Edale Valley to Kinder Scout and Derwent Moors. 

Arthur wept, seeing no more worlds to conquer

Continuing along 'The Ridge' we pass the Brockett Booth  Plantation before reaching Losehill or 'Wards Piece'. Coming in at 476 metres it is much smaller than Mam Tor. It is known as an 'Ethel' one of 95 in the Peak District. (over 400 m (1,300 ft) above sea level but including various lower hills). I was right too, it was very hard on the knees coming down. At least I remembered the knee supports which helped. It is pretty much all downhill now, all the way back to Castleton in the heart of the Peak District National Park. 

Despite being a hugely popular tourist spot, Castleton retains it's classic charm. We enjoy a short stop off at one of the many pubs in the area. I've certainly lost my Beer drinking mojo of late , a pint of Shandy goes down well though. We follow the road out of Castleton back to the starting point. It really has been an uplifting walk. I'm really pleased to have done it with little discomfort.  

I suppose it had felt as though I had something to prove to myself a few weeks ago. There was a lot of disappointment at having to cancel the original walk. That feeling seemed to disapear though on the day. I was able to be fully present, 'In the moment' you might say. The panoramic views really do take your breath away. Not that I had much at times...A real challenge an a pleasure. In total distance of 7.1 miles and 1,544ft elevation. I'm now off to find a cave! 

Peak District Caves and Caverns are numerous and renowned for their unique and exceptional underground scenes. We visited the nearby 'Giants Hole' in Castleton. We weren't properly equipped for caving but did have lights and were able to stand up for the most part. My walking partner is a very experienced Caver and said it would be fine. We followed the stream that flows into the entrance through the cave for about 50 metres or so. It then started to get a bit cramped, and a little uncomfortable. It felt OK though and I was pleased to test my fear of confined spaces.  Maybe something that I will do more of in the future perhaps? 


Sunday, 12 May 2024

Everdon Stubbs Bluebells

It's always a great pleasure to get over to Everdon Stubbs at this time of year. The Bluebells here are nothing short of spectacular. I have written several blogs in previous years about the beauty of the woodlands. This time I am just going to post some photos that hopefully capture the beauty and calmness I experienced.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Stillmarillion - The 'Y' Theatre Leicester


It is a great relief to be blogging again. Apologies for the gap. Two recent operations have seen me cancel several events I would normally have written about. Funnily enough my last post was seeing a Marillion tribute band 'Mr Punch'. We are running a touch late tonight. Struggling to get parked up, and then to find the venue. I have been to the 'Y' Theatre before to see Mostly Autumn. It's all a blur tonight though. We ask for directions and get sent to the local YMCA... No problem though as the Theatre is actually next door. Really looking forward to see Stillmarillion again, they always put on a great performance. This will actually be their second performance of the day. Billed as the 'Best of Both Worlds' there was an afternoon show featuring 'H' era songs and Fish solo highlights.

We are perched up on the balcony for a change. It's a pretty good view though. The only downside is the lack of leg room. The set starts with the 'Slainte Mhath' intro from 'Clutching at Straws'. Things quickly speed up with the brilliant 'Assassing' from Fugazi.We really are in for a 'Fish era frenzy' tonight. 'Punch and Judy' and the seminal 'Script for a Jester's Tear' soon follow. The slideshow backdrop gives a bit of a heads up as to what is to follow. or at least it did.. That was until the juice ran out on The Mac. 'I gave him one job to do' says a bewildered Martin (Jakubski). Looking in the direction of Keyboardist Stewart. 'More like 50' he replies. 'Yeah and you fxxxed them up as well! We continue without the benefit of a slideshow. 

There is a chance to hear a rare rendition of ' Three Boats down from the Candy'. The 'B' side to the 1982 debut single 'Market Square Heroes'. ' Warm Wet Circles' gives the audience license to exercise their own vocal chords. Not that they need it of course, most of those present know the words to every song. As you would expect the masterpiece 1985 album 'Misplaced Childhood' is well represented, all the 'hits' are covered off. It was great to hear a personal favourite of mine too with the amazing 'Incubus'.  

There is no easing up from the band. They are still going strong and may or  may not be fuelled by alcohol? There is a suggestion from Martin that Guitarist Mark (Mitchell) may have had more than the rest of the band? 'He's always drunk' shouts a female voice in the crowd! Martin quickly dispels this rumour. Stating that he has been in bands with Mark for 18 years. During that time he could clearly remember him being sober on at least two occasions. Good stage humour is always guaranteed with Stillmarillion. I can't help thinking  Martin is looking more like the ex-Scottish International footballer 'Ally McCoist'. Check it out! Have you ever seen them together? The last song of the night is 'Incommunicado' from the 1987 'Clutching at Straws' album.

I've also had to explain to my wife what a 'Warm Wet Circle' is. She actually thought it was something rude , heaven forbid. The band warn us that they are going to do that 'leaving the stage thing' and then coming back on.


As promised the band return to deliver a fantastic encore of 'Fugazi', 'Garden Party' and 'Market Square Heroes'. It has been a wonderful night of early years Marillion. Full credit to the band for providing two completely different shows in one day. In total 7 Marillion albums were covered along with one Fish solo album. Thank you Stillmarillion and Leicester 'Y' Theatre ' What a night'.  

As far as the 'Set List' is concerned who better than 'Mr Set list' himself in Marillion circles (Warm wet ones)  'James Greenwood' to do the honours. On this occasion ably assisted by Martin. 

The John Bunyan Trail (5) Shefford to Chicksands

A sense of Deja Vu today as we park up in exactly up in exactly the same spot as on our previous visit. By the side of the 507 parked next t...