It's only fitting that my 500th Blog post should be seeing Marillion live abroad for the first time. I've seen lots of bands across Europe before but never Marillion.
After a sightseeing wander around the beautiful city of Utrecht, it's time to hit the TivoliVrendenburg for Marillion. We did wander past late morning and I was a bit surprised not to see any hardy souls queuing outside. It was now mid afternoon still nobody outside? It soon became apparent that the queue was actually inside the building.


A rare luxury indeed to be queuing inside in the warm. Too many times spent in the cold and rain for comfort. I spot the familiar sight 'James Greenwood'. No stranger to a front row and a 'set list. There is both seating and standing tonight on a 'first come first served' basis. It's amazing how much quicker the time waiting goes when you are not shivering and wet. The three hours wait passed in no time with the assistance of 'Green Tea' from the restaurant. Once the doors were opened at 7PM there was a bit of a scrum to get in. Some of those who had waited the longest didn't quite get through first. It all seemed to sort itself out though once inside the 7,500 capacity venue. Ordinarily we would have bolted for the stage. However Mrs A was struggling with a leg injury so we settled for seats. That was a tough decision too! A bit like the child in the sweet shop scenario. We opted for centre stage , slightly raised to avoid those standing in front. You can just about see us on the photo of the auditorium as it starts to fill up.

However, before the much anticipated Marillion we have a support act to enjoy. 'I am the Morning' a Russian duo who formed n 2010. The are described as Progressive rock/ Chamber Pop. Singer 'Marjana Semkina' was very quick to denounce any affiliation to her country and Mr Putin. They are pleasant enough to listen to. 'Marjana' definitely has a 'Kate Bush' vibe going on as she drifts across the stage. Many of the songs seem to be about death and dying though. Perhaps they should be called 'I am the Mourning' ? I also thought that keyboardist 'Gleb Kolyadin' bore more than a passing resemblance to myself? Well certainly in my younger days at least..
Night1 of 2 in Utrecht and we are greeted with an austere looking 'Steve Hogarth' on the big screen. Hair slicked back, glasses and jacket and tie as the opening lines of the 'Invisible Man' .He takes to the stage, dressed exactly the same. It's a great opening, one of my favourites too.
Another fans favourite 'Easter' follows next. The arena has filled up remarkably. There isn't a seat to be had anywhere.Fans are stacked up in the stairwells too , gaining any viewpoint they can. The spare seat next to me has been occupied too. A chap called Timo from The Hague. Unfortunately his wife can't make it so is here on his own. At least he can get a really good seat for one. Even better after we get chatting earlier he buys me a beer!

The band then dip back into the last album 'An Hour before It's Dark' and 'Reprogram the Gene'. We made this album about 5 years ago' says Hogarth,that's right isn't it Steve? He asks guitarist Steve Rothery. About a year and a half ago actually he points out. Whenever it was it sounds great and we are up and away and the place is rocking. Percussionist Luis Jardim has had a few problems but otherwise the sound quality is amazing. 'Lucky Man' from 'Sounds that can't be made' is next.A rarely played song live. Hogarth tells us it's because it's so effing complicated and difficult. Although we make it look easy. Unlike most bands who make easy songs look really difficult. A good point well made I think.
Mark Kelly (Keys) Pete Trewavas (Bass)
The shirt and tie are now discarded,and we see various different guises as the evening progresses. He seems to be the master of the quick change too. 'Beyond You' from 'Afraid of Sunlight' and the title track from Sounds that can't be made' follow. The lighting is absolutely fantastic and adds even more to the performance . I was lucky to meet up with 'Lights Maestro' 'Yenz' beforehand and pass on some good wishes from a fellow lighting Engineer he knows, who lives in the same village as me.

The Bluesy Bass line of Quartz brings Pete Trewavas into the spotlight. Taken from the 2001 album 'Anoraknopbobia' the bands 12th studio album at the time. The album that saw the band go a bit Hip Hoppy and Funky before returning to a more Prog style.
The set is brought to a powerful climax with two more songs from 'An Hour before It's Dark'. Firstly the Leonard Cohen inspired 'The Crow and the Nightingale'. Followed by a wonderfully emotion charged 'Care' that means so much to so many. The band leave the stage to a unanimous standing ovation.
Mr Steve Rothery
The band return to the pulsating beat of 'Splintering Heart' the opening track from Holidays in Eden. The second album with Hogarth at the helm. A song I've always had a soft spot for along with 'Real Tears for Sale'. A song that would probably with some difficulty say is my favourite is next. There is something about 'Neverland' that gets me every time. Everything about it resonates with me ,and seeing it live again is just fantastic. Hogarth becomes even more animated, if that is even possible? At times manic, always enthralling, a Showman for sure. Maybe even a Shaman?
Steve 'H' Hogarth |
By comparison 'Steve Rothery' is calmness personified. Unruffled, going about his business with subtle sublimitity. The Yang to Hogarth's Ying. Or more a case of a Jekyll and Hyde comparison. The end result is all that matters, a concept in holism. The band is even greater than the sum of its parts. We even have time for quick rendition of 'Happy Birthday'. The 'Birthday Boy' being Mark Patrick, another veteran of Marillion gigs far and wide. The band leave the stage once more and nobody is still seated.
By popular demand the bad return for one last hurrah.This is a song about 'Rollercoasters,' the ups and downs of success and fame, and the pressures that go with it. Another favourite of mine 'King' from 'The Afraid of Sunlight' album. And its just wonderful. A perfectly fitting finale for what has been an amazing evening. There is definitely a very different vibe to seeing bands abroad. I can't wait for the next time!
Thanks to Michael Voltz for the 'Auditorium filling up' photo. Also to Martin Potappel for the 'lights across the Auditorium photo.
Full Set List
- The Invisible Man
- Easter
- Reprogram the Gene (I) Invincible
- Reprogram the Gene (II) Trouble-Free Life
- Reprogram the Gene (III) A Cure for Us?
- Lucky Man
- Beyond You
- Sounds that can't be Made
- Quartz
- The Crow and the Nightingale
- Care (I) Maintenance Drugs
- Care (II) An Hour before It's Dark
- Care (III) Angels on Earth
- Splintering Heart
- Neverland
Encore 2