Monday 1 July 2024

The Shakespeare's Avon Way - Great Comberton, Eckington & The Bredon Hills (21)


Shakespeares's Avon Way (22)

A quick turnaround in the great scheme of things for the 21st leg of our Shakespeares's Avon quest. Starting point today is the beautiful, and much sought after I would imagine village of Great Comberton. In the interest of balance I'm sure Little Comberton is equally as picturesque. The small village sits on the northern slopes of the Bredon Hills. Somewhere we will be exploring later in this walk. I must commend the Great Comberton village website. One of the clearest and informative you could ever wish to see. Everything from the village history to bin collections, Parish info and a wonderful gallery. We are walking in an anti-clockwise direction today towards Nafford. Within seconds we are in lush green open countryside with views to our left of the hills.    

Sadly we hadn't got very far when disaster struck once again. Mindful of the Fly incident from the last walk in these parts, my eyes were well covered today. Disaster might be 'doing it a bit brown' in truth. I trod on a small branch/large twig. Which then reared up an when straight into my lower shin. Enough to break the surface and draw blood. These days I always carry a basic First Aid kit based on previous experience Adopting the theory what can go wrong usually does where I am concerned...

Birlingham Quay & Swan's Neck

We have reached an area known as 'Swan's Neck on the Birlingham Quay. A perfect spot to moor up and take in the surroundings. Just as the Narrow-boat pictured has done. A  natural bend in the river that resembles the neck of a Swan. No Swans were visible though unfortunately . That would have brought this short reminiscence to a perfect end. 

We leave the River Avon at the Eckington Bridge. The car park nearby is busy with Paddle Boarders and those enjoying a riverside Picnic.  

The stone bridge is Grade II listed, and first built in 1440. We continue along the Eckington Road to where else but Eckington. Given It's proximity to the river it is very prone to flooding. Our path takes us through the churchyard of  Eckington Holy Trinity  Church. The Church is medieval and has been used for Christian worship for about 800 years to this day. Now begins the slow but steady ascent of the Bredon Hills.

Bredon Hills looking towards The Malvern Hills

The first field we passed through held a nice surprise. A flock of about a dozen Roe Deer were gathered on the hedge line. A dog walker startled them, and they charged in our direction before disappearing into a neighbouring field. It was very humid and the continuous climb was hard work. Thousands of tears of history are under our feet. At the top of the hill is an Iron Age hillfort that dates back to before the 1st Century AD. In June 2011 the largest ever hoard of Roman coins found in Worcestershire was discovered in a clay pot dating to the 4th century.   

There is a short respite as we reach 'Woollas Hall'. Erected by John Hanford in 1611 and stands on the western slope of Bredon Hill. It has now been converted into a number of attractive self-contained residences. Currently a one bed-roomed ground floor garden flat will cost you £235,000.  A Victorian 'Vampire Defence Kit' is also currently available through an Auction site that is thought to originate from the Hall. Complete with a handheld mirror, assorted Crucifixes, wooden stakes, holy water and various other essential items. Of course no Vampire Defence Kit would be complete without a pocket pistol and silver bullet.    

Parsons Folly/ Banbury Tower

At the summit is a building called Parson Folly or Banbury Tower. Built in the middle of the 18th century as a Summer House for John Parsons the Squire of Kemerton Court. With the Tower the total height of the hill is 1000ft. It is now leased out as a mobile phone base station with a number of unattractive ariels attached. The views though are absolutely stunning.  

View from the Tower

Not only do we have a Tower , we also have a Toposcope! Always a great pleasure to discover one. The Brecon Beacons are some 60 miles in the far distance.   Herefordshire Beacon 13 miles, Worcestershire Beacon 12 miles.  


Coming down from the hills are another matter altogether...The picture on the left doesn't really show how steep it actually is. Add in the crumbling rock and the rickety barbed wire fence and the jeopardy is just about complete. It is with more than a little relief that I arrive at the bottom, just about in one piece. 

Once we are back on the level it is a case of making away back through the fields to Great Comberton. We pass the pretty Church of St Michael in the centre of the village.

It  felt like more at times but a total distance of 10.08 miles walked. An elevation gain of 1,130ft. In total 20,840 steps.   

A really beautiful walked that lived up to my expectations completely.Hardly saw any other people out walking , a real haven for peace and tranquility.

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The Shakespeare's Avon Way - Great Comberton, Eckington & The Bredon Hills (21)

  Shakespeares's Avon Way (22) A quick turnaround in the great scheme of things for the 21st leg of our Shakespeares's Avon quest. S...